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Companies who join Tech Zero commit to measure their total greenhouse gas emissions and set an ambitious net zero target within 12 months of joining, in line with the Race to Zero criteria: Pledge, Plan, Proceed, Publish, Persuade.

In a nutshell, companies who join Tech Zero commit to:

  • Annually measure and publish all their greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Publish a net zero plan. This includes how they'll reach net zero, a net zero target date, and short-term targets for the next 12 months, 2-3 years, and by 2030. They  should aim to halve emissions by 2030.

  • Appoint a member of the executive team to be responsible and accountable for their net zero target.

  • Publicly communicate climate commitments and progress to net zero in meaningful ways, including on their website, to their Board, and to customers.

  • Align their policies and partnerships to their net zero goals

Why Commit?

We have to act now to protect our planet

Climate science shows that we all need to act now to keep global warming to below 1.5°C - the critical level of heating to avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis.

Gain a competitive advantage

Consumers, investors, shareholders and employees are increasingly demanding businesses act responsibly and have ambitious climate action plans.

Attract talent

People entering the workforce are looking to work for companies that take sustainability seriously, with sustainability credentials are important when choosing which company to work for.

Grow your business

Be recognised as a climate leader. Being part of this network offers far reaching collaborative and networking opportunities to support you on your journey to net zero.

Profile picture of the quote author

Before joining Tech Zero, I wasn’t a climate activist at all. But as I’ve learnt more and more about this, I’m like, "Wow, how often are you in a position where you can basically set up a business for good?”

Jay Olenicz, CEO and Co-founder of Staze

Profile picture of the quote author

As the whole economy shifts toward decarbonisation, every company will have to do it. It presents new opportunities, new markets, new customers, and I think those business opportunities far outweigh the risks.

Ben Knight, ex-Head of Environmental Sustainability at GoCardless

Ready to join Tech Zero?

If your business is ready to make the commitments, join today. It's free and easy to join, and you'll be part of a welcoming community of like-minded businesses and individuals.

Met your commitments?

Let us know when you've met your commitments by filling in this quick form and providing a link to your plan.

Submit your net zero plan